This Trader Vic's was located in the Crown Center Hotel (later the Westin Hotel or Westin Crown Center) and closed in 1996 when its lease was not renewed by the hotel.
A 1973 clipping from The Kansas City Times reveals that all the Trader Vic's cooks were immigrant Chinese without any fluency in English. After complaining that they couldn't function outside the restaurant with their poor English skills, the manager (after searching in vain for a community college course for adult ESL learners) delegated his secretary, Ms. Chere Simons, to tutor them after work, and though she had never taught ESL, she put her degree in Elementary Education to work and had great success. Soon, they no longer had to depend on Trader Vic's staff to write their rent checks for them or sign their leases, or do things that many native English speakers take for granted, and they could be heard practicing their newfound English skills in the kitchen during work hours as well.