Hobbyist Duncan Broad Nose Moai Mug
aka. DM (Duncan Mold) #87
This mug is my sixteenth completed piece from a 1963 Duncan Moai Mug Mold that I purchased off E-bay. Ernie Keen helped me with pouring and firing, however I did all the glazing. I call this the "Fireworks Moai". It has a yellow background with red, green, and orange crystals which "exploded" when fired in the kiln. Extra heavy mug compared to the other ones since the slip sat in the mold longer. One of my favorites I've made so far.
Collector Gallery
Tiki Mug Design
Hobbyist Duncan Broad Nose Moai Mug
aka DM (Duncan Mold) #87 in 61 collections
This moai made for home hobbyists has a very wide nose and long ears. It resembles a moai manufactured by Daga.