This is a mug shaped the Drooling Bastard (a crude Tiki made of volcanic rock, holding a bowl, with water trickling out of his mouth and into the bowl). It is based on the original fountain sculpture at the Tonga Hut which is the mascot for the Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard. To join the order, one must go to the Tonga Hut and drink every drink listed in Beachbum Berry's Grog Log (at your own pace, but within a year's time). Bastard members are rewarded with a plaque to commemorate their achievement and a special "Buck Off" coin that entitles you to a buck off all drinks for life. Previous editions were manufactured by Taboo Island but this was made by Eekum Bookum.
This green St Patrick's Day Edition (with gold in his bowl) was released on St. Patrick’s Day 2022 for Tonga Hut in North Hollywood.
Several color versions of the Drooling Bastard mug have previously been released by Tonga Hut. The St. Patrick’s Day mug was limited to 100 mugs.