Opened in 2019 by Nando Córdova in San Isidro, Lima, Peru.
San Isidro, towards the west center, is one of 43 districts in Lima, Peru.
Nando is a renowned Peruvian bartender, educator and promoter involved in the beverage, education and entertainment industry for over 20 years, specializing in branding, rum and tropical cocktails. In 2016 he was recognized for his track record as “Best Rum Bartender” by the International Rum Conference in Madrid, considered one of the benchmarks for rum and Tiki cocktails in Latin America.
His passion for rum led him, since 2017, to organize and direct Kontiki Lima Tiki Fest, a festival that brings together bartenders from the region and influential characters dedicated to the education and promotion of Tiki culture, as well as the Lima Rum Festival, a space within KLTF that brings together industry experts and the best rum brands in the local market, in order to promote the consumption and value of sugar cane distillates.
From The Parrot Shadow's Facebook:
"Somos un bar de culto al ron, influenciada por la coctelería Tiki, Tropical y Tradicional caribeña. Rescatamos y mantenemos el legado de sus protagonistas y la historia."
"We are a rum cult bar, influenced by Tiki, Tropical and Traditional Caribbean cocktails. We rescue and maintain the legacy of its protagonists and history."