Papua-Ooma-Mow-Mow Cocoa Boom #3
aka. Squidalu Drum Mug, Squid and Babalu Drum Mug Gallery Series
cocoa boom version #3/8
Distinguishing Characteristics
papua ooma mow mow by squidalu (squid and babalu collaboration)
Collector Gallery
Tiki Mug Design
Papua-Ooma-Mow-Mow Cocoa Boom
aka Squidalu Drum Mug, Squid and Babalu Drum Mug Gallery Series in 5 collections
This drum-shaped mug is a collaboration between artists Squid and Babalu. The drum is carved by Squid, the bird by Babalu. The name is inspired by the Trashmen's 1963 hit, "Surfin' Bird." The design is a very traditional Papua New Guinea drum. This is from the Gallery Series of the mug: Cocoa Boom is dark brown, with beige stitching on the drum head.