"Our BarConic® Tiki Drinkware Head Hunter Tiki Mug has the resemblance of a mid-century craftsman’s touch, sculpted to create a vintage look of a vintage head hunter with a brown, handsome glaze finish. This mug is completely smooth and has rounded edges making it safe for anyone to use."
*NOTE: This mug is an unauthorized version of the Tiki Farm Whack-Whak! mug designed by Philippe Tilikete, but smaller in size and with small differences in the sculpt and glazing (for instance, the armbands are not glazed in orange like the original). As a wholesaler, BarConic buys inventory for low prices from overseas where the copyright laws are not enforced. This mug is one of several designs BarConic has distributed and which originated with Tiki Farm but do not reimburse the original artists and manufacturer.